Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brittany Van Der Linden: Blog 1

Brittany Van Der Linden

Blog 1- Rhetorical Analysis "Earth", The Movie

Disney's movie the Earth is scheduled to be released on Blu-Ray and DVD this Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 and is a compelling story about our beautiful planet, the effects of global warming and man kind. If you're a National Geographic, Discovery Theater, IMAX, or Disney lover you are sure to enjoy this movie. The production of the movie took over 5 years to complete and consisted of almost 50 cameramen shooting with the latest High Definition cameras on all 7 contents! The release of the movie in theaters was on Earth Day and was a spin off of the original movie that Walt himself was pushing for back in the 1950's right when color TV's were first being created. This movie displayed how awesome our Earth really is and how the circle of life really works. There are extraordinary animals for all parts of our world and from all different types of climates that throughout this film shares the struggles they have to go through to survive. Beautiful time laps photography was shown throughout the movie on how our earth changes over periods of time and through different seasons of the years.

One of the compelling story's told throughout this movie was about a polar bear family. There were two adorable baby polar bear cubs and their mother that had to travel across the dangerous Artic to find food after the harsh winter. In order for the polar bears to get food they had to travel trough the ice sheets to get to their feeding ground where the seals and fish are. The father polar bear goes on his own because of his desperate search for food, so he can stay alive due to having lost 50 percent of his body weight during hibernation. The reason why this journey becomes harder and harder every year is because the ice sheets are melting faster and faster every year because of global warming. The polar bears each year are having less and less time to get to their feeding grounds to stay alive.

There were forceful stories about all types of life, such as African elephant herds having to track through the barren Kalahari Desert in order to have food, Wolfs chasing down pray to kill and eat by animals higher in the food chain and many more amazing stories.

This movie was breath taking and something amazing to watch. Once you turn this on you are not going to want to get up because every minute there is a new adventure and you might miss the best part!

The over all message of the story is to protect our planet and cherish every creature on it, for all life has a purpose and exist in only one place, our beautiful home called Earth!.

If you have a chance to watch this movie you will see that this is a great eye opening experience for people of all ages. =)

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