Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action - Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis:

I, like, other students in the class have not had an English course in several years. I am drawing a blank when attempting to discuss something rhetorical.

I borrowed my brother’s FORE magazine. I found an ad about golf on the big screen. The ad talks about Caddyshack, Tin Cup, The Legend of Bagger Vance and Happy Gilmore, yet the ad is actually promoting three other movies - Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius, Follow the Sun and The Greatest Game Ever Played.

I hope that is rhetorical. Getting your interest with three popular movies and then actually promoting three new movies.



  1. haha, I think most EVERYONE in this class went to school forever ago! It's been 10 years for me...this assigment proved difficult for me also, never heard of rhetorical analysis and the lecture nor books really helped me much. I'm a perfectionist too which makes it all even more worse!

  2. You've got one step down: You have identified some of the content of the ad. Next step: use appropriate terminology to label rhetorical choices (I know it's hard to do here -- how do we label/define using three popular movies to promote three new ones? I think you could do so by saying the author/narrator draws on the reading audience's prior knowledge of the first three to communicate the message; in a way, the author is actually using an allusion (referring to something without defining it, assuming the audience will understand and have context for understanding the allusion). Then, you would ask about the intended effect: why do this rather than just promoting the latter three? What sort of effect does this promote in the readin audience?
