Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blog 4

The argument that I am analyzing was a report on CBS 8 on the recent study on the existence of water on the moon. The piece was rather short at roughly 5 minutes on air. The reporter gave a brief explanation on the study and what was involved. The main points that the reported focused on were the costs associated with the study. The reporter put major focus on the dollar amount being spent on the study. 600 million dollars... The argument that the reporter is making is that the exploration was too expensive when the government is in a finical crisis.

The way that the reporter established social significance was by relating the cost to the economic situation that we all were facing. Since the current economic situation affects everyone it allows the cost of the exploration to be related to everyone.

Who cares? Everyone who has an interest in the way the government spends the taxpayers money. The report addressed a much larger issue then just the Moon study. The article addressed the way the government is spending millions of our tax dollars on studies when there are other much more pressing issues at hand.

So what? What matters here is the big picture of government spending. During a financial crisis the government should not be spending hundreds of millions on a space study when there are better more relevant things to be spending money on. The way the government spends money affects everyone.

Jay Estrela

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