Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog 5

In the article "Does Facebook replace Face time or enhance it?" Lisa Selin Davis makes the argument that Facebook does enhance face time. In her article she does not use any naysayers but could have done so and been very effective. For instance if I were to use a naysayer in her article it would be along the lines of:

Some people may respond to my argument with the question of "How can something that is designed to reduce the need for physical interaction actually enhance it?" To that question I respond that while it is true that Facebook is designed to save time and the need for physical interaction, that in itself does not detract from the enhancements Facebook provides when we do have those physical interactions. Facebook allows us the ability to catch up on our friends and family without them being present.

By using a naysayer I have acknowledged the opposition of my position and answered it with in my text. This is a very effective strategy and exposes your position to the real world instead of pretending you are arguing in a vacuum. This strategy also acknowledges your reader as an independent, critical thinker.

Jay Estrela

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