Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blog 5

"The Case Against Sotomayor" by Editor Jeffrey Rosen writes about Sotomayor's strengths and weaknesses in arguing if she is intelligent enough to be a Supreme Court justice. Rosen is skeptical about Sotomayor for a Supreme Court Justice which he claims is due to lack of evidence of her intelligence. He reveals his skepticism starting with a brief background of her upbringing such as she was raised in the South Bronx by her single mother, since her father died when Sotomayor was eight, just after she was diagnosed with diabetes. He states she will be the sixth Catholic justice, if she is, truly Catholic.

He only writes one paragraph about her strengths which are the opinions of her former colleagues. His interview with them described Sotomayor as a fair, friendly person who uses her upbringing in the court room with fair intentions. However, the main argument in this article is whether she is intelligent enough to be a Supreme Court justice. Rosen does not mention enough of her educational or professional background that would suggest to the reader that she is not intelligent enough.

Moreover, Sotomayor's shortcomings are presented by opinions from other judge's clerks that did not work directly for her. The argument made against Sotomayor regarding her intelligence as a Supreme Court justice is not strongly supported in order to make an honest, educational opinion of her. Some readers may question if Rosen has researched Sotomayor and her political background enough due to the lack of evidence of both the case against or for her.

Savannah Moore

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