Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blog 4..."When are we going to get over it?"

The argument that I am going to summerize is an articles by Andrew M. Manis, an associate professor of history at Macon State College in Georgia. He titled his article "When are we going to get over it?" In it he talked about racism. He blamed the problem of racism mainly on the white race, claiming that they are focus too much on skin color instead of equality. He used the assassination of John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King to show how close minded "conservative whites" are. He questioned "How long before we starting "living out the true meaning" of our creeds, both civil and religious, that all men and women are created equal and that "red and yellow, black and white" all are precious in God's sight?"
Professor Manis establishes social significance because racism is somewhat a problem in some of our societies. But although his claims might be true, I have to say that he is being bias in stating that whites are the main cause of racism. he also establishes social significance by referencing President Obama stating that ... "First, everyday that Barack Obama lives in the White House that Black Slaves Built I’m going to pray that God (and the Secret Service) will protect him and his family from us white people. Second, I’m going to report to the FBI any white person I overhear saying, in seriousness or in jest, anything of a threatening nature about President Obama. Third, I’m going to pray to live long enough to see America surprise the world once again, when white people can “in spirit and in truth” sing of our damnable color prejudice, “We HAVE overcome.”"

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