Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog 5 Fantasies in black and white

Blog 5

Bethany Johnson

The main topic of the article “Fantasies in Black and White”, is the statistics and polls taken about how black and white Americans believe that black men and women who cant succeed in life is from their own doing. So in this article one of the naysayers would be the experiment from University of Wisconsin sociologist Devah Pager, his experiment was that white men with criminal records and black men without criminal records apply for the same job and the white men with the criminal records got the jobs, even though the black men were less of a liability for the company. Another naysayer in the article is an experiment by the WSJ, which demonstrated that people whose résumés sported Anglo names were 50 percent more likely to receive interviews than were those with black-sounding ones.

An objection a reader might make in this article is that black people are not always at blame for their own unsuccessfulness, because of reasons such as where they came from and just like the points in the articles made by the naysayers, it can be just their skin color that is their downfall. It is true that in society people do still look down on black people because of their race and this article definitely has two points of view.

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