Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog 5

The article I read was “Will Boys Be Boys?” by Ann Hulbert. This article gave people a better understanding about what’s happening in our kid’s schools. According to what I read, boys in school are being left behind and their needs are not being met. People are mistaking boy’s hyper active tendencies are having ADD, when really they just need a more hands on learning style. The reason why it’s important to cater to boys learning style is because they are being left behind, fewer boys are graduating high and less are going to collage. The reading is conveying a message that something needs to be done before it gets any worse.

The naysayer in the text is Ann Hulbert, she is pointing fingers at schools for letting this happen, she feels like they are not doing enough to help their learning styles. Ann makes a statement that shows her compassion towards the subject, “Viewing school issues primarily through a gender lens has a way of encouraging a search for one-size-fits-all prescription for each sex.” when what we need is really the opposite. I think that schools are really looking for the cheapest and easiest way to make every one successful and the schools have no consideration of gender what so ever. Hulbert feels strong a placing the blame on our school systems.

An objective that certainly came up when reading this article is how do we know that girls are getting specialized treatment in schools. As far as we know schools don’t have gender effect the way that they teach. Most of them would probably teach the same way no matter what gender. Every teacher has different learning styles, just depending on the teacher. One could be very visual, the other could be very hands on, and the last one could be oral, It would depend on the teacher’s personality and how they teach the subject that they are on.

I think that if you had to show the opposite side of the view it would just be about kids in general and not about gender. If you take a look at our schools there are so many kids in one class and not enough teachers. How can one teacher possibly be able to catier to every childs needs, different kids have different learning styles and it’s hard to fill all of them.

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