Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Socialized Medicine

The Idea of having socialized medicine makes me cringe, however being a paramedic I have seen both sides to this debate first hand. I see there is a need for some kind of reform to our health care system, however, I feel that if we go from one extreme to the other, it is no better than what we have now. There are countries who have established a socialized medical system, and there are major issues with it. There are also good things about it, such as everyone has health insurance.

America is the leading nation when it comes to health care, due to the way our country is run, there is more innovation in science than anywhere else in the world. America is at the top of its game. If socialized medicine comes here, I believe we would lose the ability to come up with cutting edge treatments and procedures.

A big problem with our system however is that too many people are unable to get health insurance and that leads to a downward decline in many different areas of a person's life. Our country is running out of money to fund medicare and medicaid and something needs to be done to solve this growing problem, especially when our failing economy is taken into account.

I believe I can be pretty objective, as I see both sides to this story. I have always been insured no problem, however have close friends and family who can't get insurance if their life depended on it.

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