Saturday, November 7, 2009

Blog 6

I wanted my topic for my argument paper to be controversial, exciting, and interesting or else I probably wouldn't have much fun with it. So I thought of all the hot topics that interest me and most of America. I thought Gay marriage is probably the most talked about topic out there right now, besides Iraq. From it being passed then reversed,it is a hot topic that causes anger on both sides. I believe in treating all people equally, and why shouldn't gay marriage be okay, yes it is wrong in the bible, and the majority do not believe that it is appropriate.. but whats the saying he who casts the first stone? Honestly how many of us are not sinners in some way or another. Its a hot topic, and a great conversation piece, I think it will make a great argument paper topic.

1 comment:

  1. Gay marriage is on the not allowed list. I would check the paper prompt to see what we are not supposed to write about.
