Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog 6: Windows vs. Apple

I plan to write my paper on the Apple vs Windows on the side of Windows. I plan to explain the differences between an Apple Mac and a Windows based PC. Then I will make references to the Apple commercials as far as topic points go. Such as how most people believe that it is easier to get a virus on windows. I plan to show my audience how a Windows based PC is far superior then a Mac and why.

I am going to use this topic because I am an avid PC enthusiest and have a wealth of knowledge and passion about the subject. The other reason that I want to do this topic is because of the recent rise of Apple users who have based their decisions on what the Apple commercials say. This information is very misleading and I feel that the truth would have led them to a different decision.

I am also looking forward to writing on this topic because it will be a challenge as far as not showing a bias but using only logic and reason in my argument.

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