Sunday, November 29, 2009

Blog 7

Why is embryonic stem cell research an ethically debated topic if in the end it will help save lives?

This topic for my research paper is one I am aware of, but not too familiar with in regards to the exact details of it. Once again, since I have been a paramedic for 10 years, medical related issues is what really interests me. I have seen and dealt with many people who could be positively affected by the research generated by and use of stem cells.

So far I have utilized MiraCosta's online library resources to find scholarly sources and also the internet. There are many good sources because this is such a hot topic, especially since President Obama has within the year has loosened the restrictions on funding for stem cell research.

Basically the ethical argument against the use of stem cells is this: Stems cells are formed four to five days after a human egg is fertilized. This technically, well depending on who you are talking to, means that it is now a living person. These eggs are donated for research, and are not intended to produce a human. So after the stem cells are harvested the fertilized egg is destroyed. People compare this to abortion, others believe that their egg is a part of them and do not feel it should be used for research. If the pro's and con's are weighed, cons being what I just talked about, pros being medical breakthroughs which would not be possible otherwise, one would think that the end product benefits outweighs the beginning negative aspects. So that is basically what I will be arguing, that in order to make great advances for ALL, you must be willing to sacrifice a FEW.

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