Saturday, December 5, 2009

Blog 7: The Organic


The topic of my literature review will be based on an issue that has become very popular and controversial in the 20th and 21st century: organic foods versus pesticide/genetically modified foods. There have been (and still are) hot debates on whether foods should be wholly organic or continue being grown with pesticides, genetic modification and so on. Furthermore, many scientists and doctors argue whether organic foods are healthier and prevent more illnesses than treated and modified foods.

This topic intrigues me and I also am quite familiar with it as I try to eat healthy. The organic controversy has many implications, not only in the health of individuals but also of the nation as a whole. It also affects the economy, marketing, and many other issues.
I don't have all my research complete yet, but I have found a treasure of sources at the Mira Costa website link and I'm getting excited. So many books, articles and websites are arguing pro-organic or anti-organic. It will be interesting to see what I find....

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