Monday, December 7, 2009

Blog 8

Well since this is my first semester back in a traditional school since 1999 I must say I have been kept very busy. I would have to say that I have spent more time on English than my other 5 classes put together. English has never been a class I enjoy because I am too much of a perfectionist to let the creativity come out. I do believe that during this class I have learned how nice it is to have people edit my papers, they sure need it!

As for an online environment, it's O.K. but I think due to being a "black and white" type of girl, I think a brick and mortar course would have helped me more as I always have a lot of questions and think the face to face on a weekly basis would have eased some of my stress. I will definitely will be holding off on my last semester of English till fall of 2010 to give myself a little writing break!!!

I do not believe there is perfection anywhere in this world (trust me I've tried to obtain it LOL) and this class is no different. I think it is very hard to teach how to write online when you are teaching people like me, who haven't written any kind of paper in 10 years, honestly I would have failed this class if it weren't for the writing center and other people helping me learn the error of my writing.

Wish everyone well in their endeavors!

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