Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blog 8

Generally, I liked the flexibility of the online class as well as the opportunity that long-distance education gives us to save time and energy. In addition, we were able to submit the assignments whenever we could, but before deadline and I think Sunday night was a good choice for the deadline. “Get Out of Jail Free Card” is an excellent idea that can save students in case of emergency and although I did not use it, I liked it so much because it gave me a little prosperity to just focus on my assignments instead of being worry about the deadline. All of the handouts were so useful and helped me as a guide as well as the semester schedule that was very clear and exactly showed us: what to do, what to read and what to submit. But ancillary was the best shot, I guess because it was really handy for writing the related essay.

There were two things that I had a little problem with them during this semester: First, lack of interaction and communication between the students. For example, if I had a simple question, I wish I could post it to the discussion board and my classmates could help me. Second, I was a little concern about the workshops because I didn’t know my comments or other students’ comments are right or wrong. A feedback from the instructor could help us to recognize the right comments.

Overall, this class was a useful class that helped me to improve my English skills. However, it was not easy for me as an ESL student, and I tried so hard to meet the requirements of this class. I hope the outcome would be good for me and all of my classmates. Finally, I really appreciate Professor Bolaski’s efforts to help me during this semester.

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