Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blog 8 English 100

Well I was actually afraid of taking this class to begin with. Having not been in school for quite a while but in the end it was no where near as bad as I was afraid of.

I liked quite a bit about the class because of it being online it allowed me the flexibility to get things done when I had a chance and with me working full time and having a bouncing baby boy that is a god send. As others have said the ability to have a get out of jail card was great as well. I did not have to use it this semester but the relief of knowing that if it was needed reduced a lot of stress and probably helped me write with out worry. To go with the get out of jail free card is that Amy was very understanding with how life can come up and that things sometimes are out of students control... I am sure having her own computer problems helps with that understanding process.

As far as dislikes there were not many and the ones I have are attributed to the way distance learning works more than this class specifically. I agree with the others that the lack of interaction is hard because sometimes just having that person near by to affirm what you are thinking can do wonders. As I said earlier the computer problems Amy was having was kind of rough because it threw her off for grading and in turn was harder to revise my paper but I am sure Amy takes all of those things into account when grading. I would say that this was my favorite online class this semester and the only recommendation that I would have is to have an open student discussion board so people could ask questions to each other and hopefully find a solution without having to bother the instructor.

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