Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blog 9 & 10

i don't really have a writing style. Sadly, I am big on procrastination. I try not to do that, but every time i have to write a paper, i tell myself I'll do it tomorrow, then tomorrow comes and I say the same thing until it's the very last minute when I really have to write it. If, however, I don't wait until the last minute, I do brain storm and write down my ideas most of the time, and when I am done with that I usually draw up an out line. my outline isn't always of what I want to write about but it's more the structure or style of the paper. I like to eat and listen to music when I am writing. the music inspires me and the food keeps me from being bored. i am easily distracted, so many times i end up singing along with the song instead of writing. overall, I love writing but when rules comes into play, I tend to fail. Personally, I don't have a problem with obeying rules, but when it comes to English, it's quite different. I hope that after this, I get my bad habits under control.

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