Saturday, December 12, 2009

Blog 8

online class was flexible and gave an opportunity to take english without having to adjust my schedule.

Deadlines were always on Sunday which worked best for me.

I did not think this class was overly demanding.

I really liked the instructor because she showed compassion when I couldn't meet a deadline and had to use my get of jail free card. My other instructors would not allow such a "grace" on a late paper without deducting points.

The writing center. I used this writing center mostly towards the end and wished I had used it more.

I really didn't have many dislikes except I wished I knew what grade I had throughout the writing process. We have this one week left and I am still not sure were I stand grade wise.

I really wish the best of luck to you all in whatever degree you may obtain. Also, thank you Amy for all your time and effort in proof reading our papers and offering tips on ways to improve my writing.

Savannah Moore

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