Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Portfolio Preface

Writing used to be one of my favorite hobbies when I was a child, and it was always fun for me to imagine, and write about everything that I liked. I still enjoy writing, however it is not as easy as it was for me before because now I am more serious about it, and I want to develop my ideas as much as I can. In addition, I have learned some writing strategies that I like to use to influence my readers, and make them pause and think about my argument. In the past, I was not aware of the writing process, and usually did not care about the readers. But now, I always consider the possible effects of my notes to my audiences. Moreover, I used to write just about my own ideas, and argue them without thinking about the opposite view. Fortunately, I have learned in this class that considering the other side of the argument can make my essays even better and more valuable. Overall, writing is a wonderful experience, and it is worth a try, not only as a hobby, but also as a valuable skill that can help people to accomplish different things such as college assignments, resumes for finding the proper job, or simply effective business letters to be successful in the current career.

Choosing an appropriate topic is very important for me in this class because if I am enthusiastic about the subject, the writing process will be easier and faster. However, it is not always possible to choose an attractive subject, and there is usually a given topic by the instructor. In this case, I have to brainstorm at first, and browse in the Internet to get some different ideas, and compile the essential information to get started. Also, I always pay close attention to the writing prompt to include all of the requirements in my essay. The next step for me is to find some free time when no one can disturb me, and I can focus on my central point. I like to sit and write non-stop until I can finish my first draft because the outcome usually will be better if I get a chance to write the whole essay at once. However, it is not always possible for me to complete my entire essay without interruption because of my seven-year-old son and my busy life.

My first essay in this class was about “Facebook”, one of my favorite topics. In this assignment, I was required to analyze the article “Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance It?” by Lisa Selin Davis. This essay was a good practice to explore the author’s chosen rhetorical strategies as well as understand the text’s organization. Honestly, it was very hard for me to analyze the text because it was my first time, and I had some difficulties identifying rhetorical strategies and their effects to the readers. So, I got help from the writing center. Fortunately, the outcome was good, but I know that I have to work hard in this area to improve my skills to analyze a text effectively.

My second assignment was an argumentative essay about “abortion”, one of the most controversial topics in America. The given article for this assignment was: “Can We ever Say a Woman Can’t Choose?” by Frances Kissling. It was one of the most attractive articles that I have ever read in my life, and I admired author’s writing skills because she had changed my black and white view about abortion, and taught me how to analyze both side of the argument. Although my essay had some weaknesses that affected my grade, I think writing this essay was the most effective and useful practice that I have done during this semester to improve my writing skills because I learned expressing my own ideas as well as including other side of the argument respectfully. Also, I learned that it is unlikely that anyone can draw an absolute conclusion about some controversial issues like abortion.

My third essay was a position paper about “Legal Immigration” that was my original argument. I have learned some valuable skills while writing this assignment such as anticipating viable objections someone might raise. In addition, I have practiced how to address the objections by offering a concession to acknowledge the validity of the objection and finally how to rebuttal the objections to avoid handing my own argument over to the opposition. Honestly, it was not easy for me to include these items in my paper, and I am sure that I have to work hard to master these skills in order to be a good writer.

My final essay was a research project about “Divorce and Children”. I tried to compile the most professional ideas about this issue to fulfill the research requirements. Recognizing the scholarly sources was the most important thing that I learned by doing this project. In addition, I learned how to write an annotated bibliography for the first time, and it made the writing process easier and faster. However, it was really hard to pull together a conversation by using these different sources, and arrange them in order to provide an overview of diverse outlooks.

Consequently, I believe this class was very useful for me, and helped me to be a better writer by teaching me how to think about both side of each argument and how to develop my essays by the writing skills that I learned such as making objections, rebuttals and concessions. In addition, I learned revising is the essential key that can improve my writing skills gradually, and guide me to approach my dream that is to be a writer some day.

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