Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog 6: Immigration

Nowadays, “Immigration” is one of the most controversial issues in America which used to refer as a "nation of immigrants" because of the largely open-door policy toward accepting foreigners. This country was built by immigrants who moved here because of religious persecution, political turmoil or simply economic reasons many years ago. They came here to start a new life and get a better way of living for themselves as well as their children and their next generations. Besides, they introduced different cultural aspects to Americans such as music, food, clothing, and language. In recent years, an increase number of immigration has caused many Americans to believe that their country is overwhelmed by immigrants. The controversy surrounding this subject has made immigration one of the most divisive publicly issues of the decade. Overall, most American believe that immigrants are threatening their community by taking their jobs, lowering their wages, using their social services and sinking their common lifestyles. Furthermore, after horrific attack of Sept 11, some American want to ban immigration especially middle-east immigrants because of fear of terrorism. While these arguments may seem valid to many, they are almost, and more than likely confused with the subject of” illegal immigration”. In fact, most immigrants actually develop American life by creating, not taking jobs through investing their money and opening a lot of new businesses, supporting social service funds through tax payments, and bringing valuable technical knowledge and skills. Furthermore, America achieved its greatness as a result of being "a nation of immigrants."


  1. You may want to check the paper prompt because I believe that immigration is on the not allowed list.

  2. Rebekah,

    If you're still looking for the prompt, go to our course page on Blackboard, click on Assignment Descriptions, click on paper prompts, click on position paper prompt. If that doesn't work, send me your email and I'll send you the prompt:


  3. You are right, but I sent an email for the instructor to get the permition for writing about "Immigration". However, I am not sure if I want to write about it. Please let me know, where can I find another subjects to write about.
