Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hurricane Katrina Responses Blog

I chose Hurricane Katrina to do my response on, because this natural disaster shows what the real effects could be if something like this occurred where we live San Diego if a Hurricane were to make landfall off the coast of California. I could not believe the after effects of this storm and how many people were really affected. The scary thing is how long it took for help to arrive for the victims. A big question was brought up about the people of New Orleans and whether they were treated differently because of their social class. Some of the areas that were hit by Hurricane Katrina were poverty stricken and some ask if that could be the reason why it took so long for them to receive help, such as food, water, diapers and the basic essentials in order to live. It makes you think what if there was an earth quake in California, would we receive the help that we need or would we have to fend for our self’s?
I definitely think that it could be a challenge having to be objective about this topic because of the way these people were treated in New Orleans, but I think that I will be able to do it. There is always two sides to a story and it will be interesting to get down to the truth and learn more about this tragedy.

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