Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rebel Without A Car?

This article came from an editorial in The Los Angeles Times and presented the arguement that young adults from the Y Generation have been less eager towards getting a car than past generations. Although Generation Y consists mostly of a brand-conscious group, it seems as if cars don't apply to the category. The article states that social networking and the declining economy are large factors to the disinterest in cars.
This article also references to James Dean in his film Rebel Without A Cause and how the cool car, cool guy sense has lost its appeal. Although the author makes a good arguement, the media has been using the car appeal more than ever. With popular car movies such as Transformers II and Fast and the Furious, audiences are anything but bored of cars.
As a member of Generation Y, I disagree with the author's claims. Despite the fact that having and maintaing a car isn't cheap, I couldn't imagine not having my car. Not only is it a form of transportation, it's a form of freedom for young adults whom are still living at home while studying for thier careers.

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