Sunday, November 29, 2009

Blog 7

Why is embryonic stem cell research an ethically debated topic if in the end it will help save lives?

This topic for my research paper is one I am aware of, but not too familiar with in regards to the exact details of it. Once again, since I have been a paramedic for 10 years, medical related issues is what really interests me. I have seen and dealt with many people who could be positively affected by the research generated by and use of stem cells.

So far I have utilized MiraCosta's online library resources to find scholarly sources and also the internet. There are many good sources because this is such a hot topic, especially since President Obama has within the year has loosened the restrictions on funding for stem cell research.

Basically the ethical argument against the use of stem cells is this: Stems cells are formed four to five days after a human egg is fertilized. This technically, well depending on who you are talking to, means that it is now a living person. These eggs are donated for research, and are not intended to produce a human. So after the stem cells are harvested the fertilized egg is destroyed. People compare this to abortion, others believe that their egg is a part of them and do not feel it should be used for research. If the pro's and con's are weighed, cons being what I just talked about, pros being medical breakthroughs which would not be possible otherwise, one would think that the end product benefits outweighs the beginning negative aspects. So that is basically what I will be arguing, that in order to make great advances for ALL, you must be willing to sacrifice a FEW.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog 6 - Yes We Can!!!

I have a hard time taking a position on issues without first knowing all of the facts. I would really like to write about a subject that would inform and motivate people to make change. One subject that I feel very comfortable about talking about is personal responsibility versus the government’s responsibility. I strongly believe that recently as a society, we have started to forget how strong individuals are, and have begun to rely on the government for too much. The government has spent so much money and resources “helping out” a minority of the population that the majority is now feeling the effects. I think I will be able to write an informative convincing paper on this subject, and intend to do in a manner that promotes change and instills self worth upon the reader.

Blog 6

Honestly, I have no idea what I want to write about for my position paper. I haven't put much thought into it. Totally my fault. I couldn't fine the online reading section on Blackboard, so any help as to how to get there will be greatly appreciated.

Hurricane Katrina Responses Blog

I chose Hurricane Katrina to do my response on, because this natural disaster shows what the real effects could be if something like this occurred where we live San Diego if a Hurricane were to make landfall off the coast of California. I could not believe the after effects of this storm and how many people were really affected. The scary thing is how long it took for help to arrive for the victims. A big question was brought up about the people of New Orleans and whether they were treated differently because of their social class. Some of the areas that were hit by Hurricane Katrina were poverty stricken and some ask if that could be the reason why it took so long for them to receive help, such as food, water, diapers and the basic essentials in order to live. It makes you think what if there was an earth quake in California, would we receive the help that we need or would we have to fend for our self’s?
I definitely think that it could be a challenge having to be objective about this topic because of the way these people were treated in New Orleans, but I think that I will be able to do it. There is always two sides to a story and it will be interesting to get down to the truth and learn more about this tragedy.

Blog 6

I might do my position paper on why such large amounts of federal debt is poised to destroy the value of the dollar. Huge amounts of debt that come from 2 unpopular wars, and unpopular stimulus bills. With one side of politicians wanting to spend more than can be afforded on military and the other side spending more than can be afforded on social programs, our dollar is walking a thin line. There is already talk of moving away from trading oil in U.S. Dollars and countries like China keep buying our debt. Gold is the highest it has ever been. If Americans keep allowing these deficits to go unchecked, it will be a huge problem for every American, not just the rich or poor.

Blog 6

Breastfeeding/ pumping and the workplace:

I chose this topic because at one time I did have a problem with breastfeeding women pumping or feeding their babies in public.

There is much research to support women who breastfeed because it makes the bond between mother and baby stronger, it gives the baby natural nutrients and antibodies from the mom, and it is convenient and costless. However, the mothers who breastfeed in public like in the mall or at work are discouraged to do so because it offends some people. I believe that women have the right to breastfeed in public if there is no other means for them to do so in private. However, there are many accessories that may be used to help conceal the area around the child's mouth.

Even some mothers who have chosen not to breastfeed are still offended by the whole action of breastfeeding. So it is just not offensive to those who do not have children.

Savannah Moore

Blog 6: Windows vs. Apple

I plan to write my paper on the Apple vs Windows on the side of Windows. I plan to explain the differences between an Apple Mac and a Windows based PC. Then I will make references to the Apple commercials as far as topic points go. Such as how most people believe that it is easier to get a virus on windows. I plan to show my audience how a Windows based PC is far superior then a Mac and why.

I am going to use this topic because I am an avid PC enthusiest and have a wealth of knowledge and passion about the subject. The other reason that I want to do this topic is because of the recent rise of Apple users who have based their decisions on what the Apple commercials say. This information is very misleading and I feel that the truth would have led them to a different decision.

I am also looking forward to writing on this topic because it will be a challenge as far as not showing a bias but using only logic and reason in my argument.

Blog 6: Immigration

Nowadays, “Immigration” is one of the most controversial issues in America which used to refer as a "nation of immigrants" because of the largely open-door policy toward accepting foreigners. This country was built by immigrants who moved here because of religious persecution, political turmoil or simply economic reasons many years ago. They came here to start a new life and get a better way of living for themselves as well as their children and their next generations. Besides, they introduced different cultural aspects to Americans such as music, food, clothing, and language. In recent years, an increase number of immigration has caused many Americans to believe that their country is overwhelmed by immigrants. The controversy surrounding this subject has made immigration one of the most divisive publicly issues of the decade. Overall, most American believe that immigrants are threatening their community by taking their jobs, lowering their wages, using their social services and sinking their common lifestyles. Furthermore, after horrific attack of Sept 11, some American want to ban immigration especially middle-east immigrants because of fear of terrorism. While these arguments may seem valid to many, they are almost, and more than likely confused with the subject of” illegal immigration”. In fact, most immigrants actually develop American life by creating, not taking jobs through investing their money and opening a lot of new businesses, supporting social service funds through tax payments, and bringing valuable technical knowledge and skills. Furthermore, America achieved its greatness as a result of being "a nation of immigrants."

Blog 6- Argument Paper

I suppose I might write my argument paper on some health/dietetic issue, or the benefits and qualities of a food (such as Bilberries). I love learning about all the treasures we can find in natural products. Its a pleasure to write/persuade others about why they should choose the natural/organic stuff, why they should acknowlege the chemicals in their foods or cosmetics are bad, and I like showing people the consequences that can happen from bad food/diet (diebetes, cancer, heart problems etc). Diet and health issues are increasingly important issues in our day and age. New discoveries are being made and the general population is more health conscious.

I believe this subject (though it could spark passionate persuasion), is easy to keep in professional boundaries without showing much emotional bias.

If the health/diet subject weren't an option I might end up attempting to write on some military subject. What a 180 degree difference, huh?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Blog 6

I wanted my topic for my argument paper to be controversial, exciting, and interesting or else I probably wouldn't have much fun with it. So I thought of all the hot topics that interest me and most of America. I thought Gay marriage is probably the most talked about topic out there right now, besides Iraq. From it being passed then reversed,it is a hot topic that causes anger on both sides. I believe in treating all people equally, and why shouldn't gay marriage be okay, yes it is wrong in the bible, and the majority do not believe that it is appropriate.. but whats the saying he who casts the first stone? Honestly how many of us are not sinners in some way or another. Its a hot topic, and a great conversation piece, I think it will make a great argument paper topic.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Socialized Medicine

The Idea of having socialized medicine makes me cringe, however being a paramedic I have seen both sides to this debate first hand. I see there is a need for some kind of reform to our health care system, however, I feel that if we go from one extreme to the other, it is no better than what we have now. There are countries who have established a socialized medical system, and there are major issues with it. There are also good things about it, such as everyone has health insurance.

America is the leading nation when it comes to health care, due to the way our country is run, there is more innovation in science than anywhere else in the world. America is at the top of its game. If socialized medicine comes here, I believe we would lose the ability to come up with cutting edge treatments and procedures.

A big problem with our system however is that too many people are unable to get health insurance and that leads to a downward decline in many different areas of a person's life. Our country is running out of money to fund medicare and medicaid and something needs to be done to solve this growing problem, especially when our failing economy is taken into account.

I believe I can be pretty objective, as I see both sides to this story. I have always been insured no problem, however have close friends and family who can't get insurance if their life depended on it.