Sunday, September 27, 2009

In Defense of Race-Based Rooting

In this article, author Gary Kaniya acknowledges the fact that race is often a factor in determining who one would root for. Kaniya argues that considering race as a factor is normal and is not meant to be harmful. He uses the techniques of providing facts as well as testimonial to prove his arguement is vaild.
Kaniya first begins by listing the athletes he rooted for during the Olympics. After he would name the athlete, he would then list their race. The author intentionally did this in order to catch the readers attention and also to create a transition for supporting his arguement. While providing some background information about each althete, Kaniya used facts about each athlete's wins. He also used the method of testimony by provinding his own experience about when he participated in sports. Kaniya also incorporates some humor in his article which makes it more effective because the tone is not as serious. Kaniya makes an effective arguement and provides enough supporting evidence for readers to comprehend and agree on.

Blog # 3 - Men are from Vengeance

Men Are From Vengeance

The author discusses several issues concerning behavioral patterns in woman and men. The article focuses on tests men and women were placed in and the effects of those tests would have on their behaviors. Psychologically, men were more prone to choose punishing their victims than allowing them to listen and have peace with them. Apparently, judgment controls men's feelings more than women's. Issues of fairness, empathy, violence, guilt and tolerance were all issues men did poorly on. So why is it men have a harder time to deal with these issues? Statistics have shown these issues to rely heavily on gender and questions that touch various dimensions of the psychology of punishment. Women focused on safety, loyalty, and compassion, whereas men focused on grudges, rules, and revenge. Men are more reluctant to violence than women.

In summary, the article points out hope for men and women who deal with these behaviors. Statistics have shown that over time, fading memory, and a verdict had relieved men's distress at twice the rate of women's, but who knows what evil or hatred still lies in the hearts of men. Thank goodness, my heart doesn’t react in the top percentile, although by nature men are hunter gatherers.

Forms of Evidence

Types of evidence your book lists:

1. Facts
2. Statistics
3. Testimony
4. Anecdotal evidence
5. Scenarios
6. Case studies and observation
7. Textual evidence

This is a start . . . but many people find themselves confused by such lists, wondering what the difference is between a "study" and "observation" and how facts, for instance, might different from statistics (aren't these facts, too?) and which kinds of "anecdotal" evidence might be appropriate.

1. Experiential knowledge: when we're talking about the kinds of experience people have, and how that experience segues into being a source worth using or not. This kind of knowledge and experience usually falls under the heading "anecdotal" evidence. When we're talking personal experience (that YOU, not your friends or family members) have had, sometimes it is relevant in an argument. You CAN use first-person in the rest of the papers as long as it's demonstrably relevant. You should use first-person ONLY if you are chronicling a personal experience that highlights something about your argument. This kind of knowledge -- having had personal experience with something -- is one type of "expert" knowledge. It is, as you know, not the strongest form of evidence. The other is what I like to call "professional knowledge". If, for instance, I bring my teaching experience into a paper, I can talk about teaching writing and literature from a perspective that is both personal AND professional. A sociology professor might be able to talk about what it's like to be an urban black youth (even if that professor is not black, urban, or young) in a way that is significant because he/she has studied this identity professionally. A young, urban black student can talk about this from a PERSONAL but not professional standpoint. Ultimately, make a distinction between personal experience and professional knowledge. You always need to keep in mind your evidence's context: not just what it is but from whom it's coming and under which circumstances. To recap: yes, you can use personal experience in a limited way in your papers. Yes, you can use professional opinions/knowledge whether these come from interviews, quotes from magazines and journals, etc.

2. Another common question: aren't statistics "facts"? Not always. Can you use statistics? Absolutely. But carefully. Statistics can be misused, and they are not always factual: this depends on a number of things -- sample size, demographic, etc. You can use statistics, but be aware that statistics, while they sound convincing, are usually "spun" in a way that fits the writer/arguer's purpose. When you use statistics, you always need to explain the context surrounding the number: it's not enough to say "Eighty percent of people voted for Obama". Eighty percent of registered voters? Eighty percent of the population of the United States? How was this number calculated? How were the results measured? etc. You must provide some information of this ilk for your statistic to be credible. They are not facts in the same way that "the sky is blue". Keep this in mind, and your statistical use will be stronger. (When you're reading, pay special attention to how authors use statistics. See if you can find any holes or gaps in logic in terms of how they are used.)

3. Testimony is a form of personal experience and is anecdotal
-- it can be either personal or professional, or both. It is unlikely you will use a lot of testimony in the kinds of papers you are writing.

4. Scenarios: Spelling out scenarios involves a very important form of evidence:
your own logic (not included in the text list). You would provide a scenario if you wanted to set up a picture for your readers that will illustrate what could/is likely to occur. These, too, like anecdotal evidence, are not the strongest form of evidence because they can't be quantified and there's no guarantee that things will turn out according to a scenario. I've seen scenario examples work well in papers students have written about the housing market, Wall Street and the like. Example: "If everyone in America cut credit card spending by X percent, the economy would falter/tank/improve, etc. Well, there's no way to make every person automatically cut spending by any much less a specific percent, so there's no way to use scenarios as facts. You CAN use them to provide a general picture of the ebb and flow of circumstances.

5. We'll put case studies, observation, and textual evidence all together. These forms of evidence are your strongest, most credible, and most likely necessary for the kind of writing you're doing. Where do you find these? Well, the world-wide web is a good place to start, but your STRONGEST evidence is going to be that which you take from scholarly journals and books. You will find these forms of evidence in the library's database. I have posted a handout on our website that explains the difference between popular and scholarly sources. This will be very important for the third and fourth papers, so take a look when you can. We will begin discussing this at length very soon. In the meantime, I hope this discussion gives you a clearer of sense of what "counts" as evidence, and which forms should be used sparingly.

Will Boys Be Boys? Blog #3

The article “Will Boys Be Boys?” by Ann Hulbert the author discussed the effects of boys in the classroom. People are focusing more on what girls needed to improve on and pushing boys issues aside. Girls showed a weakness in math and sciences so schools were focusing on improving girls in that area, but failed to notice that boys were struggling in verbal areas. This is causing boys to fall behind the girls in the classrooms and is decreasing the amount of men attending collage after high school.

Another main point that was mentioned in this article is “being a haptic learner doesn’t necessarily mean you have ADD”. The author shares evidence that boys just have different “learning styles” such as being more “hands-on”. The author Richard Whitmire from New Republic wrote an essay that was about evaluating boys brains which showed that this “points to a lower density of neurons in the male’s temporal lobe cortex, which is “associated with verbal skills””. As well Newsweek states that boys use the prefrontal cortex of their brain, which means “a less matured pattern of brain activity”.

The main point to this article was the evidence that it brought forward about how the boys are not getting the help that they need to excel in school and are being left behind. Personally I feel that it is not only boys that are not getting the help that they need in school, but all kids in general. There needs to be more individual help and more after school programs for those that are falling behind. One of the main problems is that the states keep cutting the budgets for schools instead of giving them the money that they need. As well there needs to be programs for preschools so that way when they get into kindergarten they are not behind and everyone is at the same level. I do agree that different kids need specialized help, but this article makes it seems like only the boys are the ones not getting it. We need to take a look at the schools systems as a whole.

Blog 3 - Can We Ever Say A Woman Can't Choose?

The author discussed many reasons for abortion and he used his personal reference while participating on the Planned Parenthood ethics panel. He also referenced Joan Walsh’s appearance on Fox’s “O’Reilly Factor”. There was also a mention of the Roe vs. Wade and even noted President Obama’s discussion during his campaign about “Mental distress” not being justifiable for late term abortion. Many of the author’s examples made sense. As the author stated: “Just because something is legal—and should be legal—does not mean it is always ethical”, abortion is a challenge I’m glad I don’t have to consider. Thank God I’m an average everyday man.
Seth Weers

Blog 3 - The Rockefellas and the Angry Commoners

In Beverly Gage’s Article “The Rockefellas and the Angry Commoners” she suggests that the uber rich of today are not much different than the uber rich of the Industrial Revolution era. Gage uses statistics to argue her points. She also uses many quotes from various sources to establish a base for her arguments. It is obvious that Gage doesn’t agree with the large economic differences between the lower working class and the higher classed business executives. She mentions time after time how heartless these businessmen must be for keeping the working class working. She offers evidence that the mega rich could definitely give more than they already do, and redistribute their wealth to everyone. I don’t necessarily agree with her position; as I believe that with out any substantial incentives to excel, our economy would come to a screeching halt and wealth redistribution would do much more harm than good. She effectively states her position, and gives supporting evidence, but she spins the information in a manner that supports her position.

The social significance of Barak Obama, Blog 3

What “the social significance of Barack Obama”, lead to a round table online exchange of multiple reader’s opinion on this discussion. Enid Logan contributed her opinion entitled, “Gender & Race in Post-Civil Rights, “Post-Feminist” US”. She discusses multiple issues that were brought up during the presidential race between Obama and Hilary Clinton.

The 2008 run for Presidency is remembered as a historical year because it is the first time that a woman and an African American man ran for the Presidency. Since the “Post-Civil Rights” movement, all people, no matter their race or gender are to be treated equaled. With the first woman and African American running for President in the year 2008, it is assumed that racism is still active along with anti-feminism. Logan first mentions a divide “within the feminist movement” regarding women under the age of forty voting for Obama, however, women over forty, true “feminists”, voted for Clinton. There were “accusations of betrayal, capitulation” to the “patriarchal” among women,spread by the Internet and newspapers from the separation in voting created by younger women voting for Obama and older women voting for Clinton. Is this not why women have fought for feminism in the past, so women can declare their own ideas and beliefs and not be discriminated upon?

The race also raised controversy between race and gender among white women and women of color. The black and Latina women were accused of having “points of views” that distracted them from “true, women issues” if they supported Obama instead of Hilary Clinton.Logan claims that Clinton supporters focused more on “primacy of gender” instead of race and racism as a whole. Obama’s candidacy seemed to acquire more attention regarding racism making his run in the race more historical versus any sexist remark made about Clinton.

Logan closes with several rhetorical questions asking the reader to consider if race helped or damaged Obama in the race, did being male “override” being black, and if gender is more discriminated against than race. The question that most likely will not be answered is, was Barack Obama picked to be the Democratic Candidate for Presidency because he was a man? America is still far from discrimination as evidence by how the 2008 Presidential elections uprooted debates among feminists, women of color versus the “women’s movement”, racism towards Clinton and Obama, and an “undercurrent of misogyny among liberal white man”. With all these issues between race and gender, how does America move forward, united? Women have the right to vote for whom ever regardless of race or gender. The same with women or men of any color. Discrimination is voting for someone because they are a certain race or gender with no consideration of their credentials for the Presidency.

Savannah Moore

Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance It?

In the article "Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance it?" written by Lisa Selin Davis, the author writes about her relationship with a childhood friend named Jenny. Davis explains how their relationship has seemingly dwindled down to digital exchanges and Facebook updates. Davis ponders if the argument that Facebook enhances relationships is true. She uses her personal experience with her friend Jenny as her base and references several books and studies. In the last paragraph of the article Davis recalls the meeting that she had with Jenny in real life. "When we met up, it seemed like we were closer than I had thought." This final paragraph shows how Facebook allows Davis to keep in contact and up to date with Jenny even though they do not see each other on a regular basis.

I agree with the author on this argument. Facebook has its pitfalls but in the end it allows me to keep up with a lot of friends. Without Facebook I would not have the time to keep up with all of them. Davis used her personal experience and how she felt Facebook changed her relationship as her evidence. I plan to go into more concrete detail on how Facebook enhances our relationships. One example is that Facebook allows us to catch up with our friends on OUR schedule. Regardless of what those friends are doing, in a matter of minutes a person can scan their Facebook and catch up on those friends. Trying to get that information by contacting each and every one of those friends would take much longer.

Jay Estrela

Here's to Your Health

I choose an essay by Joan Dunayer, "Here's to your health." She discussed alcohol and how society accepts its use and is responsible for the "myths" associated with alcohol consumption. She then contradicts the myths with statistics and real life simulations. I choose it because, I have been a victim of alcohol abuse and I know that event though societies encourages alcohol uses, it can have a significant effect on individuals. I guess her writing style intrigued me, although I don't completely agree with all of her claims...

Social Significance of Barack Obama

Racism- that's all pundits say when anyone disagrees with Barack Obama, but only if they're white. If they are black and disagree then they are an uncle Tom or a puppet of white people. This is just another game played by left wing pundits. If this is really what they think then they are lacking oxygen to their brain by having their head so far up their butt that the lump in their throat is their nose.

What about all the people that voted for the President because he is black? That's just as racist but of course that is swept under the rug and explained and excused away.

Joe Feagin's response is typical of left wing ideologies. They want people to believe this so that they can be in power. They want people to be reliant on government instead of being able of providing for yourself.

Right wing extremists are no different, they just use different tactics. The only people that lose is We The People.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Blog 3- In Defence of Race-based Rooting

Gary Kamiya claims in his article “In Defense of Race-based Rooting” that it is okay to be racist about the sports and the Olympics particularly. He emphasizes this kind of racism is different from being prejudiced. He talks about different examples which are from various races, different colors and genetic groups as his evidences to prove his ideas. My feelings on this issue are mixed. I do concede that sports- racism exists and many people engage in it without admitting it. However I cannot agree with him when he claims “It is a completely harmless, benign racism.” Because I think there is no such a thing as the harmless racism.
In my opinion, the athlete’s ability, performance, manners and attitude should be noticed and judged regardless of the skin color or the race. Kamiya contradicts himself. In one hand, he admits that the racism is a sensitive subject for everybody. On the other hand, he claims that “Race is not that big a deal. I am not obsessed with what race an athlete is, most of the time I scarcely notice it, and race is not the reason I root for most competitors.” These contradicts make the readers confused, perhaps he needs to clarify his position more accurate.
Overall, racism is a very sensitive issue not only for sports, but also in other aspects of people’s lives as Kamiya talks about President Barack Obama. He states “It was hard not to think of Barak Obama, and his historic challenge to America’s racial orthodoxies, and for this Democrat, to devoutly pray that he will have better luck than Jones.” Unfortunately during the recent congressional recess and the TV coverage of so called town hall meetings, there were many displays of extreme emotion and anger about President Obama. Why did it happen? As former President Jimmy Carter said “an underlying factor behind some of the protests is racism. Some people cannot accept that we have an African-American as president, and they will do anything to prevent him from being successful.”

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Types of Evidence Blog

Hello dear classmates
As you know professor Bolaski has mentioned in Reading and Due Date Schedule that there will be a blog post about types of evidence for us to refer, but I can not find it. Would you please help me ?
Thanks in advance.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blog 3 - President Obama has not betrayed the gay community

This article, written by Chris Geidner, is about President Obama and the promises he made to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) community. Before President Obama was elected, he campaigned that he wanted equal rights for the LGBT community, that even though he felt marriage was between a man and a woman, he felt that domestic partnership was an essential part of equality for all citizens. Chris Geidner discusses some of the good and bad choices made by President Obama since his inauguration, starting off with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy all the way to the signed memorandum ordering the extension of benefits to qualified same-sex domestic partners of Federal employees.

Chris Geidner firmly believes that President Obama will be a “be a "fierce advocate" for LGBT equality, he shows that he stands strong to his opinion despite the many negative issues seen in his presidency term thus far. Chris Geidner makes strong points that change does not happen over night and small solid steps are better than no steps at all. He acknowledges that we must constantly push our leaders to advocate for the LGBT community, but on the other hand says, “in return our leaders deserve fair and honest debate and direction as we progress towards equality for the LGBT community.”

Chris Geidner does an excellent job playing the devils advocate by showing the reader that not only is President Obama making forward progress in the sensitive issue of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgenders affairs, he is also making mistakes. Chris Geidner gets his points across by pointing out that the issue at hand is going to have its ups and downs, therefore the LGBT community needs to be patient and understanding, that there can’t be progress without some regress. Chris Geidner shows that as long as the steps forward outnumber the steps back, progress is being made.

Blog 3- In Defense of Race-Based Rooting

Journalist Gary Kamiya meddles with an interesting topic present in sports. His article titled "In Defense of Race-Based Rooting" he illustrates how sports, especially the olypmics bring up a sort of "racism" in people. He claims that sports fans generally root for those of their own race.
Yet, he explains, this race-based rooting is not a bad thing. Kamiya states that celebrating one's own race in sports actually honors all the rest as well. It acknowledges the variety and potential in each country and race and how they all make advances in history through their acheivements in sports. To assure readers that he is not a racist, Kamiya illustrates how he rooted for all types of nationalities in the olympics just because of their race: White because they were White, African Americans because they were Afrian Americans, Asians because they were Asians etc.
He did so not to pretend he was not racist, but because he celebrated certain qualities in each one. He uses his own personal experience in rooting as evidence to support his claim. Kamiya also gives examples of individuals in sports who commented based on race but not in a racist way- rather as a way of showing the reality.

After evaluating his article, it is clear that Kamiya presents good explainations and support for his thesis, making it a good analysis and explanation between the difference of racism and identifying with the achievements of individuals who represent a certain population, country, or race.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blog 2 - "The Murder of Dr. Tiller: A Foreshadowing"

"The Murder of Dr. Tiller: A Foreshadowing"

The reason I chose this article was because of the ever so popular debate towards abortion and its affects on pro and anti abortion activists. In this Article the author chooses to explain why Mr. Tiller was murdered and the effects of pro abortion activists versus anti abortion activists. The result is rationalized by the emotional judgments of people and how they are carried out. Statistics also showed where and why they are carried out. Mr. Tiller was a symbol of how a certain group of people feel towards abortion and how a murder still will not reverse the effect of pro abortion.

Possible Thesis:
A defense of abortion and defending the pro-life position. Considering American ethics and values, death is morally wrong. Abortion has become one of the most controversial problems of today. Therefore, pro-life activists believe both medically and emotionally, abortion should be outlawed.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blog 2 - The Blackberry: Destroyer of Worlds -- And the New York Senate

I chose “The Blackberry: Destroyer of Worlds -- And the New York Senate” because I can relate with his article in so many different ways. I recently purchased a Blackberry, and tend to ignore people from time to time now. I enjoy seeing people in the spotlight as “normal” people, and it was interesting to see how these New York representatives are just as normal as anyone else, and have their shortcomings.

I’ve been reading through it, and every time, I notice new rhetorical strategies that the author uses. I just hope I will be able to bring it all together in the paper.

Blog 2: Why This Article?

The article "Why Critics Of a Public Option For Healthcare Are Wrong", is a piece of writing that I chose because I enjoy articles on health, medicine, medical treatments, etc. I am a cert. pharm. tech. and I go through issues pertaining to healthcare insurances everyday. Whether it be insurance coverage problems to patient consultations (not me personally but the pharmacist) to trying to get the patient medications at a decent prices.

What sparked my interest in this article was that the differences between two healthcare systems and the decision on which the author was trying to present on which system was a right fit for the public. What also intrigued me about this article was towards the end of the article the author basically criticizes President Obama to stop talking the talk and start delivering what needs to be done about the healthcare system for insurances. It's stuff like this that I go through everyday talking to people about their healthcare and what the insurances don't cover it and it's sad to see a lot of what they don't pay for. All their money going toward insurances and hardly nothing comes out of it.

Blog 2 - Article: "What Makes Us Happy?"

I was curious what this article had to offer. It was interesting to find out who actually took part in this study (those that came forward and gave their names). The annual survey kept track of the men; once in awhile men would not respond for a year or two, they either died or were not ready to give an update on their life. The article was confusing for me when it would discuss a case #47, then move to the next case and later in the article return to case #47. This was hard for me to follow.

I also reviewed, “Bro-Hood and its Discontents – The Hangover". Looking back at my selection “What Makes Us Happy" and then reading "The Hangover" review I realized both articles are about men living life. The movie was good, but I don’t know that I would recommend it to everyone.

No, I do not have my thesis yet.

"Rethinking the American Dream"

The article I chose was "Rethinking the American Dream". I thought it would be an interesting topic because you hear so many people saying that it does not exist anymore. The author of the article, David Kamp analyzes what the American Dream is and its evolution. Kamp goes on to explain that the American Dream was a set of ideals and not a "checklist" of goals. The article also states that the American Dream has strayed from keeping up with Jones' to surpassing the Jones'.

I found the article interesting and Kamp made some good points. He also made some points that I disagree with and in his conclusion he even contradicted himself. There was an underlying tone that I did not like, his political partisanship. The American Dream has nothing to do with one side or the other because we are all Americans. It's called the American Dream, not the Democrat or Republican Dream!

Modern Americans have a sense of entitlement. They do not think that they have to earn anything anymore. The American Dream is not dead no matter what your social position is. We are Americans and can accomplish whatever we set our minds to if we are willing to work for it.

Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance it?

The article “Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance it?” wrote by Lisa Selin Davis drew my attention for several reasons which I mentioned below:
First of all, I am a Facebook user and every day spend several hours interacting with my friends and family members through Facebook, especially those who live far and I am unable to meet them. Facebook helped me to communicate with them in an effective way, so I have enough enthusiasm to analyze a text about my favorite topic and possibly more ideas to express my feelings or compare them with author’s ideas.
Second, the word “Replace” took my attention because although Facebook is a great communication tool, I believe Face to Face relationship cannot be replaced by anything at all. Interestingly, I figured out the writer mentioned it tacitly in the final paragraph when she requested her busy friend a get-together.
Third, I liked the writer’s tone. It is very casual and easy to understand which is important for me as an ESL student. However in some parts manner of expression in the text is pleading and it seems that the author tries to explain how Facebook is an easy and effective tool for communication with other people even though they are busy. For example, she stated “I don’t see how that (Facebook) can be a bad thing” to emphasized on her idea.

Health Reform

"The Paradox of Health Reform", is the article I have chosen to write my first paper and ancillary on. The article is about President Obama's plan of health coverage for all Americans. To recreate a brand new system "from scratch" is unrealistic especially when the majority of Americans have health insurance through their work. The employers, however, are not required to offer health insurance to their employees therefore leaving those uninsured. The cost of private health care is increasing each year with higher deductibles and monthly costs making it nearly unaffordable. The health bill, if passed, will require all employers to offer health insurance or set aside a fund for each employee so they may use that money to get their own private health insurance. Employer-based health coverage is "dying" now that employers are not required to offer coverage for their employees and the cost of such insurance is based on the employee's preexisting conditions. The Government is also considering to give employers a tax break based on the coverage they offer their employees,the more the employer offers the bigger the tax break. "Pay or Play",another idea by the Government, is were the employer will be penalized if they decide to not engage in offering their employees coverage.

This article interested me because I do not have health insurance through my employer anymore since I am no longer full or part time. I am considered "casual" since I chose the hours that I can work. Therefore, I am concerned about covering any cost if I need medical attention. As a full-time student the cost of getting my own health insurance is expensive and I never seemed to use it when I had it through my employer. I think ,like many individuals, why pay for something when I don't use it. I am also in the medical field and see the cost that hospitals and clinics absorbed when patients come in for treatment without health insurance. Even though I feel equal care for all regardless of health coverage, in the end someone (tax payers) are paying for it. I do agree that all Americans should have health coverage in one form or another but not sure if employers should be held solely responsible for uninsured individuals.

So I find my self on "the fence", wavering pros and cons of health reform. I see both sides of the argument and really love the idea of health coverage for all but not sure if all Americans will enroll in health coverage even if affordable. Even after health reform is passed what makes individuals who did not pay for coverage before or feel they do not need it encourage them to have money deducted from their pay checks for health coverage now? Unless there is a plan to require all Americans to have health coverage, than requiring employers to offer all employees health coverage may still leave individuals uninsured and leaving others to cover their cost.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Legalizing Marijuana

I chose to do my Ancillary 1 on the article called “A Toke and a Tax”, this is a huge controversy that are nation is facing and is especially prominent in California. There are a large number of people in California that support the legalization for medical marijuana. Some are even talking about legalizing pot for every one and taxing it to help the states budget deficit. The big question is what would be the tax amount and what type of issue would arise in making pot accessible to everyone.

What really intrigued me was not how much profit our state could make for this tax, but how much money we would be saving by not prosecuting people for possession or distribution of marijuana. Would you believe that our government could save around $13 billion dollars annually if they stopped arresting people over the marijuana? If you really think about why it is illegal any way, alcohol causes way more deaths per year than marijuana does and has great medical uses and benefits for many different conditions.

In order to get my thesis statement I had to do some research to refresh myself on how to write a good thesis statement. It was a little hard for me to figure out what my thesis statement was going to be, but I came to the conclusion of what I want it to be. My thesis statement is: A controversial issue that is arising through out the United States and especially in the state of California: Legalizing marijuana and taxing it for profit. I’m hopping this sounds good, but if any one has feed back please let me know, thanks!

Brittany : )

Friday, September 11, 2009

“The Twilight Zone”

This article caught my attention because of the obsession everyone seems to have with Twilight. I recently read the first book but still couldn’t quite understand what the craze was about wanted to see another person’s perspective. I agreed with the way the author describes the Twilight craze as a fad. I also enjoyed the fact that this article analyzes Stephanie Meyer’s (the author of Twilight), writing style
As for my thesis, I will be in favor of the author’s perspective but, I am a bit inclined to be in opposition of the article. The article criticizes Meyer’s writing as being “high-school humdrum”, but her audience is primarily aimed at the youth and therefore I don’t think she should be criticized for that.

How Twitter will change the way we live

With a title such as "How Twitter will change the way we live", how could I not choose this article? The title alone tells me that it is going to change my life! Beyond that fact, I have always been resistant to using Twitter because as a "Tech" guy I know how much time something like this can consume. This article gave me the opportunity to see the technology through someone else's eyes and what their point of view is.

I am part of the target audience that the author intended and with my resistance to Twitter I figured it would be the best article for me to analyze. After reading the article and doing my ancillary paper I decided to go a step further and open a twitter account and embrace the technology and hopefully gain insight for my major paper coming up.

As far as a thesis goes I am currently a bit torn. Since my article is a persuasive article I can agree or disagree with the author. While I can see the value in Twitter I can also see the down side. I could point out how the author does a great job highlighting the positives and creating a positive view of Twitter. I could also go the other way and show how the same positives that the author uses in his article can also be negatives. I will probably be focusing on the authors use of comparing the different technology against Twitter and depending on my position either highlight the positives or negatives.

Also because I have not been in school for quite a while and feel that I am not as strong of a writer as I should be I am heavily considering using this first paper in my writing workshop.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Save our national sense of humor!

I decided to do my paper on the article titled, Save our national sense of humor! This topic hits close to my heart because I too have found myself in situations where I was joking around and it was taken way out of context. This is beginning to be a major issue, with the technology of today and how fast things get around. No longer can people pass time by playing pranks, joking with close friends or goofing off when no one is looking. This article just shows how big brother can always be watching, even if it is from a cell phone camera.

This article is mainly about how we as a nation are losing our sense of humor. The article itself is humorous in that he is over exaggerating what will happen if we continue blowing things up into a huge deal. Nothing else really grabbed me about the article individually, just as a whole I enjoyed it.

As for the thesis, It will be agreeing with the author that we can no longer play silly pranks or goof off without someone catching wind of it and "making a mountain out a mole hill."

Blog 2- Article: Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance It?

How many people stop to read something just because of the title? Although the saying goes "Never judge a book by its cover", I must admit that's what I generally do. If a title catches my eye and interests me, that's what makes me read it, which is why I stopped to read: "Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance It?" Nowadays if you don't have a Facebook account some people act like you don't have a house address or cell phone. (Though I now have an account, it wasn't until recently that I opened one and I am what you may call the "Facebook generation" :).
Therefore I thought that Facebook being such a popular tool, I would see how this author puts it, and what she's arguing for. Another thing that intrigued me was the writing style of the author. She had me reading from the first sentence and I liked it.

Right now I don't have the thesis statement yet, but I know the general way my paper will look....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog 1- Rhetorical Analysis “Earth”, The Movie

Disney’s movie the Earth is scheduled to be released on Blu-Ray and DVD this Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 and is a compelling story about our beautiful planet, the effects of global warming and man kind. If you’re a National Geographic, Discovery Theater, IMAX, or Disney lover you are sure to enjoy this movie. The production of the movie took over 5 years to complete and consisted of almost 50 cameramen shooting with the latest High Definition cameras on all 7 contents! The release of the movie in theaters was on Earth Day and was a spin off of the original movie that Walt himself was pushing for back in the 1950’s right when color TV’s were first being created. This movie displayed how awesome our Earth really is and how the circle of life really works. There are extraordinary animals for all parts of our world and from all different types of climates that throughout this film shares the struggles they have to go through to survive. Beautiful time laps photography was shown throughout the movie on how our earth changes over periods of time and through different seasons of the years.

One of the compelling story’s told throughout this movie was about a polar bear family. There were two adorable baby polar bear cubs and their mother that had to travel across the dangerous Artic to find food after the harsh winter. In order for the polar bears to get food they had to travel trough the ice sheets to get to their feeding ground where the seals and fish are. The father polar bear goes on his own because of his desperate search for food, so he can stay alive due to having lost 50 percent of his body weight during hibernation. The reason why this journey becomes harder and harder every year is because the ice sheets are melting faster and faster every year because of global warming. The polar bears each year are having less and less time to get to their feeding grounds to stay alive.

There were forceful stories about all types of life, such as African elephant herds having to track through the barren Kalahari Desert in order to have food, Wolfs chasing down pray to kill and eat by animals higher in the food chain and many more amazing stories.

This movie was breath taking and something amazing to watch. Once you turn this on you are not going to want to get up because every minute there is a new adventure and you might miss the best part!

The over all message of the story is to protect our planet and cherish every creature on it, for all life has a purpose and exist in only one place, our beautiful home called Earth!.

If you have a chance to watch this movie you will see that this is a great eye opening experience for people of all ages. =)