Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blog 2 - "The Murder of Dr. Tiller: A Foreshadowing"

"The Murder of Dr. Tiller: A Foreshadowing"

The reason I chose this article was because of the ever so popular debate towards abortion and its affects on pro and anti abortion activists. In this Article the author chooses to explain why Mr. Tiller was murdered and the effects of pro abortion activists versus anti abortion activists. The result is rationalized by the emotional judgments of people and how they are carried out. Statistics also showed where and why they are carried out. Mr. Tiller was a symbol of how a certain group of people feel towards abortion and how a murder still will not reverse the effect of pro abortion.

Possible Thesis:
A defense of abortion and defending the pro-life position. Considering American ethics and values, death is morally wrong. Abortion has become one of the most controversial problems of today. Therefore, pro-life activists believe both medically and emotionally, abortion should be outlawed.

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