Friday, September 11, 2009

How Twitter will change the way we live

With a title such as "How Twitter will change the way we live", how could I not choose this article? The title alone tells me that it is going to change my life! Beyond that fact, I have always been resistant to using Twitter because as a "Tech" guy I know how much time something like this can consume. This article gave me the opportunity to see the technology through someone else's eyes and what their point of view is.

I am part of the target audience that the author intended and with my resistance to Twitter I figured it would be the best article for me to analyze. After reading the article and doing my ancillary paper I decided to go a step further and open a twitter account and embrace the technology and hopefully gain insight for my major paper coming up.

As far as a thesis goes I am currently a bit torn. Since my article is a persuasive article I can agree or disagree with the author. While I can see the value in Twitter I can also see the down side. I could point out how the author does a great job highlighting the positives and creating a positive view of Twitter. I could also go the other way and show how the same positives that the author uses in his article can also be negatives. I will probably be focusing on the authors use of comparing the different technology against Twitter and depending on my position either highlight the positives or negatives.

Also because I have not been in school for quite a while and feel that I am not as strong of a writer as I should be I am heavily considering using this first paper in my writing workshop.

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