Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Blog 2- Article: Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance It?

How many people stop to read something just because of the title? Although the saying goes "Never judge a book by its cover", I must admit that's what I generally do. If a title catches my eye and interests me, that's what makes me read it, which is why I stopped to read: "Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance It?" Nowadays if you don't have a Facebook account some people act like you don't have a house address or cell phone. (Though I now have an account, it wasn't until recently that I opened one and I am what you may call the "Facebook generation" :).
Therefore I thought that Facebook being such a popular tool, I would see how this author puts it, and what she's arguing for. Another thing that intrigued me was the writing style of the author. She had me reading from the first sentence and I liked it.

Right now I don't have the thesis statement yet, but I know the general way my paper will look....

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