Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Save our national sense of humor!

I decided to do my paper on the article titled, Save our national sense of humor! This topic hits close to my heart because I too have found myself in situations where I was joking around and it was taken way out of context. This is beginning to be a major issue, with the technology of today and how fast things get around. No longer can people pass time by playing pranks, joking with close friends or goofing off when no one is looking. This article just shows how big brother can always be watching, even if it is from a cell phone camera.

This article is mainly about how we as a nation are losing our sense of humor. The article itself is humorous in that he is over exaggerating what will happen if we continue blowing things up into a huge deal. Nothing else really grabbed me about the article individually, just as a whole I enjoyed it.

As for the thesis, It will be agreeing with the author that we can no longer play silly pranks or goof off without someone catching wind of it and "making a mountain out a mole hill."

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