Sunday, September 27, 2009

Blog 3 - The Rockefellas and the Angry Commoners

In Beverly Gage’s Article “The Rockefellas and the Angry Commoners” she suggests that the uber rich of today are not much different than the uber rich of the Industrial Revolution era. Gage uses statistics to argue her points. She also uses many quotes from various sources to establish a base for her arguments. It is obvious that Gage doesn’t agree with the large economic differences between the lower working class and the higher classed business executives. She mentions time after time how heartless these businessmen must be for keeping the working class working. She offers evidence that the mega rich could definitely give more than they already do, and redistribute their wealth to everyone. I don’t necessarily agree with her position; as I believe that with out any substantial incentives to excel, our economy would come to a screeching halt and wealth redistribution would do much more harm than good. She effectively states her position, and gives supporting evidence, but she spins the information in a manner that supports her position.

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