Sunday, September 13, 2009

Health Reform

"The Paradox of Health Reform", is the article I have chosen to write my first paper and ancillary on. The article is about President Obama's plan of health coverage for all Americans. To recreate a brand new system "from scratch" is unrealistic especially when the majority of Americans have health insurance through their work. The employers, however, are not required to offer health insurance to their employees therefore leaving those uninsured. The cost of private health care is increasing each year with higher deductibles and monthly costs making it nearly unaffordable. The health bill, if passed, will require all employers to offer health insurance or set aside a fund for each employee so they may use that money to get their own private health insurance. Employer-based health coverage is "dying" now that employers are not required to offer coverage for their employees and the cost of such insurance is based on the employee's preexisting conditions. The Government is also considering to give employers a tax break based on the coverage they offer their employees,the more the employer offers the bigger the tax break. "Pay or Play",another idea by the Government, is were the employer will be penalized if they decide to not engage in offering their employees coverage.

This article interested me because I do not have health insurance through my employer anymore since I am no longer full or part time. I am considered "casual" since I chose the hours that I can work. Therefore, I am concerned about covering any cost if I need medical attention. As a full-time student the cost of getting my own health insurance is expensive and I never seemed to use it when I had it through my employer. I think ,like many individuals, why pay for something when I don't use it. I am also in the medical field and see the cost that hospitals and clinics absorbed when patients come in for treatment without health insurance. Even though I feel equal care for all regardless of health coverage, in the end someone (tax payers) are paying for it. I do agree that all Americans should have health coverage in one form or another but not sure if employers should be held solely responsible for uninsured individuals.

So I find my self on "the fence", wavering pros and cons of health reform. I see both sides of the argument and really love the idea of health coverage for all but not sure if all Americans will enroll in health coverage even if affordable. Even after health reform is passed what makes individuals who did not pay for coverage before or feel they do not need it encourage them to have money deducted from their pay checks for health coverage now? Unless there is a plan to require all Americans to have health coverage, than requiring employers to offer all employees health coverage may still leave individuals uninsured and leaving others to cover their cost.

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