Saturday, September 12, 2009

Legalizing Marijuana

I chose to do my Ancillary 1 on the article called “A Toke and a Tax”, this is a huge controversy that are nation is facing and is especially prominent in California. There are a large number of people in California that support the legalization for medical marijuana. Some are even talking about legalizing pot for every one and taxing it to help the states budget deficit. The big question is what would be the tax amount and what type of issue would arise in making pot accessible to everyone.

What really intrigued me was not how much profit our state could make for this tax, but how much money we would be saving by not prosecuting people for possession or distribution of marijuana. Would you believe that our government could save around $13 billion dollars annually if they stopped arresting people over the marijuana? If you really think about why it is illegal any way, alcohol causes way more deaths per year than marijuana does and has great medical uses and benefits for many different conditions.

In order to get my thesis statement I had to do some research to refresh myself on how to write a good thesis statement. It was a little hard for me to figure out what my thesis statement was going to be, but I came to the conclusion of what I want it to be. My thesis statement is: A controversial issue that is arising through out the United States and especially in the state of California: Legalizing marijuana and taxing it for profit. I’m hopping this sounds good, but if any one has feed back please let me know, thanks!

Brittany : )

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