Sunday, September 27, 2009

Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance It?

In the article "Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance it?" written by Lisa Selin Davis, the author writes about her relationship with a childhood friend named Jenny. Davis explains how their relationship has seemingly dwindled down to digital exchanges and Facebook updates. Davis ponders if the argument that Facebook enhances relationships is true. She uses her personal experience with her friend Jenny as her base and references several books and studies. In the last paragraph of the article Davis recalls the meeting that she had with Jenny in real life. "When we met up, it seemed like we were closer than I had thought." This final paragraph shows how Facebook allows Davis to keep in contact and up to date with Jenny even though they do not see each other on a regular basis.

I agree with the author on this argument. Facebook has its pitfalls but in the end it allows me to keep up with a lot of friends. Without Facebook I would not have the time to keep up with all of them. Davis used her personal experience and how she felt Facebook changed her relationship as her evidence. I plan to go into more concrete detail on how Facebook enhances our relationships. One example is that Facebook allows us to catch up with our friends on OUR schedule. Regardless of what those friends are doing, in a matter of minutes a person can scan their Facebook and catch up on those friends. Trying to get that information by contacting each and every one of those friends would take much longer.

Jay Estrela

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