Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blog 2 - Article: "What Makes Us Happy?"

I was curious what this article had to offer. It was interesting to find out who actually took part in this study (those that came forward and gave their names). The annual survey kept track of the men; once in awhile men would not respond for a year or two, they either died or were not ready to give an update on their life. The article was confusing for me when it would discuss a case #47, then move to the next case and later in the article return to case #47. This was hard for me to follow.

I also reviewed, “Bro-Hood and its Discontents – The Hangover". Looking back at my selection “What Makes Us Happy" and then reading "The Hangover" review I realized both articles are about men living life. The movie was good, but I don’t know that I would recommend it to everyone.

No, I do not have my thesis yet.

1 comment:

  1. The article "What Makes Us Happy?" was very interesting for me when I just read the title and I even thought I am going to choose it for my first paper. However, after reading the whole text, I was very confused and had now idea what the author really is trying to explain and it seemed a little complicated to me to anylize because I think most of people are looking for the happiness or some useful advices to keep them happy. But this article was different.
