Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blog 2: Why This Article?

The article "Why Critics Of a Public Option For Healthcare Are Wrong", is a piece of writing that I chose because I enjoy articles on health, medicine, medical treatments, etc. I am a cert. pharm. tech. and I go through issues pertaining to healthcare insurances everyday. Whether it be insurance coverage problems to patient consultations (not me personally but the pharmacist) to trying to get the patient medications at a decent prices.

What sparked my interest in this article was that the differences between two healthcare systems and the decision on which the author was trying to present on which system was a right fit for the public. What also intrigued me about this article was towards the end of the article the author basically criticizes President Obama to stop talking the talk and start delivering what needs to be done about the healthcare system for insurances. It's stuff like this that I go through everyday talking to people about their healthcare and what the insurances don't cover it and it's sad to see a lot of what they don't pay for. All their money going toward insurances and hardly nothing comes out of it.

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