Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Rethinking the American Dream"

The article I chose was "Rethinking the American Dream". I thought it would be an interesting topic because you hear so many people saying that it does not exist anymore. The author of the article, David Kamp analyzes what the American Dream is and its evolution. Kamp goes on to explain that the American Dream was a set of ideals and not a "checklist" of goals. The article also states that the American Dream has strayed from keeping up with Jones' to surpassing the Jones'.

I found the article interesting and Kamp made some good points. He also made some points that I disagree with and in his conclusion he even contradicted himself. There was an underlying tone that I did not like, his political partisanship. The American Dream has nothing to do with one side or the other because we are all Americans. It's called the American Dream, not the Democrat or Republican Dream!

Modern Americans have a sense of entitlement. They do not think that they have to earn anything anymore. The American Dream is not dead no matter what your social position is. We are Americans and can accomplish whatever we set our minds to if we are willing to work for it.

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