Sunday, September 27, 2009

In Defense of Race-Based Rooting

In this article, author Gary Kaniya acknowledges the fact that race is often a factor in determining who one would root for. Kaniya argues that considering race as a factor is normal and is not meant to be harmful. He uses the techniques of providing facts as well as testimonial to prove his arguement is vaild.
Kaniya first begins by listing the athletes he rooted for during the Olympics. After he would name the athlete, he would then list their race. The author intentionally did this in order to catch the readers attention and also to create a transition for supporting his arguement. While providing some background information about each althete, Kaniya used facts about each athlete's wins. He also used the method of testimony by provinding his own experience about when he participated in sports. Kaniya also incorporates some humor in his article which makes it more effective because the tone is not as serious. Kaniya makes an effective arguement and provides enough supporting evidence for readers to comprehend and agree on.

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