Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blog 3- In Defense of Race-Based Rooting

Journalist Gary Kamiya meddles with an interesting topic present in sports. His article titled "In Defense of Race-Based Rooting" he illustrates how sports, especially the olypmics bring up a sort of "racism" in people. He claims that sports fans generally root for those of their own race.
Yet, he explains, this race-based rooting is not a bad thing. Kamiya states that celebrating one's own race in sports actually honors all the rest as well. It acknowledges the variety and potential in each country and race and how they all make advances in history through their acheivements in sports. To assure readers that he is not a racist, Kamiya illustrates how he rooted for all types of nationalities in the olympics just because of their race: White because they were White, African Americans because they were Afrian Americans, Asians because they were Asians etc.
He did so not to pretend he was not racist, but because he celebrated certain qualities in each one. He uses his own personal experience in rooting as evidence to support his claim. Kamiya also gives examples of individuals in sports who commented based on race but not in a racist way- rather as a way of showing the reality.

After evaluating his article, it is clear that Kamiya presents good explainations and support for his thesis, making it a good analysis and explanation between the difference of racism and identifying with the achievements of individuals who represent a certain population, country, or race.


  1. anyone know where the "there will be a blog post about types of evidence for you to refer to" is?

  2. No, I am looking for it too, but couldn't find it yet.
