Sunday, September 27, 2009

Social Significance of Barack Obama

Racism- that's all pundits say when anyone disagrees with Barack Obama, but only if they're white. If they are black and disagree then they are an uncle Tom or a puppet of white people. This is just another game played by left wing pundits. If this is really what they think then they are lacking oxygen to their brain by having their head so far up their butt that the lump in their throat is their nose.

What about all the people that voted for the President because he is black? That's just as racist but of course that is swept under the rug and explained and excused away.

Joe Feagin's response is typical of left wing ideologies. They want people to believe this so that they can be in power. They want people to be reliant on government instead of being able of providing for yourself.

Right wing extremists are no different, they just use different tactics. The only people that lose is We The People.

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