Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blog 3 - President Obama has not betrayed the gay community

This article, written by Chris Geidner, is about President Obama and the promises he made to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) community. Before President Obama was elected, he campaigned that he wanted equal rights for the LGBT community, that even though he felt marriage was between a man and a woman, he felt that domestic partnership was an essential part of equality for all citizens. Chris Geidner discusses some of the good and bad choices made by President Obama since his inauguration, starting off with the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy all the way to the signed memorandum ordering the extension of benefits to qualified same-sex domestic partners of Federal employees.

Chris Geidner firmly believes that President Obama will be a “be a "fierce advocate" for LGBT equality, he shows that he stands strong to his opinion despite the many negative issues seen in his presidency term thus far. Chris Geidner makes strong points that change does not happen over night and small solid steps are better than no steps at all. He acknowledges that we must constantly push our leaders to advocate for the LGBT community, but on the other hand says, “in return our leaders deserve fair and honest debate and direction as we progress towards equality for the LGBT community.”

Chris Geidner does an excellent job playing the devils advocate by showing the reader that not only is President Obama making forward progress in the sensitive issue of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgenders affairs, he is also making mistakes. Chris Geidner gets his points across by pointing out that the issue at hand is going to have its ups and downs, therefore the LGBT community needs to be patient and understanding, that there can’t be progress without some regress. Chris Geidner shows that as long as the steps forward outnumber the steps back, progress is being made.

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